Today is World Peace Day! The students spent some time this morning discussing the importance of world peace and wrote some statements encouraging world peace. All of the children had fantastic ideas and I wanted to share them:
- Please have peace and don’t fight.
- Give peace to the whole world.
- Please stop the rage.
- Please don’t have war.
- Please no violence.
- Please less rage.
- You should talk about your problems.
- Please have peace in the world.
- Please wait and cool off.
- Please live in peace and joy.
- Stop fighting and be friendly.
- Can you please stop using guns and use your mouth?
- Guns never, peace always.
- Use your brains instead of fists.
- Please don’t have war.
- Let’s make peace in our world.
- Give peace to the world.
- No war, no guns, just peace.
- Stop making all that racket and talk it out.
- Stop fighting and be friends.
At break, the whole school formed a huge circle and did an activity to encourage world peace. We sang a song, did a little dance and had some fun. If you would like more information, please go to this website.