Thursday, June 28, 2012

Bodies PYP Unit

luckily I have my mom's warm comfy couch and some great T.V. on demand that I have missed this past year in Tanzania.

I have joined a few professional reading groups via my "blog sisters" and have been working away on my mac, mostly getting files organized and such.

But, gearing up for the next year, I have been creating some documents to use in the classroom, possibly with my new interactive whiteboard!!!! Can you tell I am a little excited?

So here is a health Can-Have-Are printable for you to download. I use Can-Have-Are charts a lot in my teaching, often as a formative assessment tool during teaching.

"Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Last Day Pop-Up Books

On the last day, our amazing library assistant, Stella, came in to show us some amazing pop-up books and then let the kids try to make a few of their own. I have to say, pop-up books have really changed since I was a kid. The kids got to explore many Matthew Reinhart and Robert Sabuda books. The shark and mythical creatures books were a hit as well as the fairies book. Check out this video and watch as one of the authors takes you through a book.

If you got to youtube and search his name, you can find many more cool videos to watch.

The kids got out the paper, paste, coloring devices and scissors to try their luck with this wonderful  craft. Their creations were wonderful and they couldn't contain their excitement. It may have been the fact that it was the last day of school, but I would like to think it was the amazing books :-)

To all my lovelies, enjoy the summer and KEEP READING!!!

Monday, June 4, 2012


Homework Checklist

A few weeks back, I made this homework checklist for a student who was having a hard time focusing on his homework and getting it completed. After about one week, the student was independently and successfully completing assignments and getting praised at home for appropriate homework routines and behaviors. The parent asked me if she could share it with others since she has been talking up how effective it is and I decided to share it with you.

Click on the picture below to download a copy for yourself.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Keep Your Brain Sharp! Summer Assignment Freebie!

This summer, when you are looking for things to do, grab these and enjoy getting some learning done in a fun and creative way. I made three documents for you to use to practice some skills and keep your brain sharp. Print them out, color in each box you complete and bring it to me at the beginning of the next year so that I can celebrate in your success. Keep up the good work, even over the summer!

Click on the images above to download from Google Docs