Thank you to all of the families and students who helped bake goods for our CCBRT Bake Sale! It was a wonderful event. There were so many tasty treats and one of my girls even made some earrings to sell! The kids were thrilled to sell their goods and watched as their blue frosted cupcakes, chocolatey brownies and homemade breads slipped through their fingers in the name of a good cause.
Overall, we raised 422,500 Tsh for CCBRT. One generous grandmother from the US even sent a donation all the way across the oceans right into our collection can! After the baked goods were sold, Yuna and her mother took the left overs to CCBRT and gave the patients and their families some treats as a surprise. All in all, it was an amazing day and I am happy to be part of such a fantastic student led event. My class is truly.... electrifying!