About a week ago the kids planted the seeds that they brought in for homework. Some were found outside and others within food. We gathered the necessary materials and the kids went at it.
I wanted them to try to plant without me telling them what to do so they had at it. Some kids planted the seeds deep and others shallow, some put in only one seed and others added many. And then came the water. Wow, the variety in the amount of water was amazing. Some kids even added leaves at the top for nutrients. The kids recorded their process in their science journal.
Overall the kids had fun, but the wait has been the most challenging part. Especially since my seeds grew really tall in only two days. I may have cheated though... I planted seeds from a seed pack bought at the store!
Today the kids are taking their pots home to care for them over the holiday. I can't wait to see how they turn out. Neither can the kids. Grow plants, grow!