Sunday, March 4, 2012

Jane Goodall Visits Grade 3 at IST!

Our grade was lucky enough to get Dr. Jane Goodall to come visit for an hour, while visiting Dar es Salaam and her visit tied in nicely with our current PYP unit about heroes. About a month ago, we studied Dr. Jane during our environmental heroes week before we even knew she was coming to Tanzania for a visit. Once we saw that she would be speaking to the IST community during an evening in February, we sent out a huge wish to have her come. Our team leader, ms. McKillip emailed the woman organizing and asked if she had time to visit with grade 3. It was still not decided until the day before, but as Dr. Jane encourages students, we reached for the stars and it paid off.

The students were very impressed that a true, living, breathing hero was coming to visit. Dr. Jane started by teaching the audience how to greet and say hello in "chimp." The kids got a kick out of it and it was the favorite part of the presentation for many students. Each class composed and asked some terrific questions to ask Dr. Jane and listened to her speak about how to make the world a better place for future generations. Dr. Jane, also gave information about her environmental program called Roots and Shoots. It is a wonderful group that encourages children to make a difference in the world by organizing and participating in community service projects focusing on animals, the environment and people in need. She also shared with us some lovely childhood stories that we will remember forever. You should ask your children about her chicken story. It was really funny! After visiting with her, we now know more reasons why Dr. Jane Goodall is a true HERO!

Once we returned to class, we wrote thank-you letters to Dr. Jane. In the letter, the students shared with her their favorite parts of the presentation, what they learned and how they are going to take her message with them in the future. We compiled a book for her and when I went to see her that evening, my students that were also there, gave it to her. I really think she will love it! Great job 3R!

A huge thanks is necessary for Dr. Jane and her staff as well as Ilana, the secondary school librarian for helping to schedule the visit. Asante sana!

For more information please visit:

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